1. When will we go to the picture gallery? 2. Im certain that you will have a pleasant time there. 3. The goods will be

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1. When will we go to the picture gallery?
2. Im certain that you will have a pleasant time there.
3. The goods will be sent to the customer by the seller in a day.
4. We will be visiting the farm in July.
5. I will be cautious with money.
6. They will be organizing a visit to some places of interest.
7. Our country will possess professional armed forces.
8. Their guests will have lunch after the walk.
9. We will watch this documentary with great interest.
10. A lady always

Пошаговое объяснение:

Future Simple tense (Future Indefinite tense):

Описание: The Future Simple tense is used to express actions that will happen in the future. In Russian, it is formed by using the future tense form of the verb «быть» (to be) followed by the infinitive form of the main verb. The future tense forms of «быть» are: я буду, ты будешь, он/она/оно будет, мы будет, вы будете, они будут. The infinitive form of the verb can be used directly after the future tense form of «быть».

Дополнительный материал:
1. «Когда мы пойдем в картинную галерею?» (When will we go to the picture gallery?)
2. «Я уверен(а), что тебе будет приятно там.» (I am certain that you will have a pleasant time there.)
3. «Товар будет отправлен покупателю продавцом через день.» (The goods will be sent to the customer by the seller in a day.)
4. «Мы будем посещать ферму в июле.» (We will be visiting the farm in July.)
5. «Я буду осторожным(ой) с деньгами.» (I will be cautious with money.)
6. «Они будут организовывать посещение некоторых интересных мест.» (They will be organizing a visit to some places of interest.)
7. «Наша страна будет иметь профессиональные вооруженные силы.» (Our country will possess professional armed forces.)
8. «Их гостям будут обедать после прогулки.» (Their guests will have lunch after the walk.)
9. «Мы будем смотреть это.» (We will watch this.)

Совет: To form the Future Simple tense, it is important to remember the conjugation of the verb «быть» as it determines the form of the future tense. Practice using the future tense forms of «быть» with different verbs to become comfortable with constructing sentences in the Future Simple tense.

Упражнение: Rewrite the following sentences using the Future Simple tense:
1. «Я пишу письмо.» (I am writing a letter.)
2. «Они готовят ужин.» (They are preparing dinner.)
3. «Ты читаешь интересную книгу.» (You are reading an interesting book.)
4. «Мы играем в футбол.» (We are playing football.)

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