Module 1. Grammar Task. Choose the correct answer. 1. What is your opinion of him? — He is a pleasant guy. I … him

Автор Top-Urok.Ru

Module 1. Grammar Task. Choose the correct answer. 1. What is your opinion of him? — He is a pleasant guy. I … him. a) always like b) am always liking c) have always liked d) have always been liking 2. I am tired of him! He is always … a) grumbling b) is always grumbling c) has always grumbled d) has always been grumbling 3. Ann … a teacher. She loves her job. a) is b) is being c) has been d) has been being 4. He … a new player. Now he can listen to music in the gym! a) buys b) is buying c) has bought d) has been buying 5. You … for 20 minutes. Get out of the water! a) have been swimming b) have swum c) swim d) are swimming 6. Look! The kitten … with the ball! a) plays b) is playing c) has played d) has been playing 7. I … vegetables. They are good for my health. a) always eat b) am always eating c) have always eaten d) have always been eating 8. David … basketball every Sunday. a) plays b) is playing c) has played d) has been playing 9. As far as I know, they … for St. Petersburg tomorrow. a) leave b) are leaving c) have left d) have been leaving 10. They are so tired. They … for an hour. a) run b) are running c) have run d) have been running Reading the text and marking the statements as True (T), False (F), or Not Stated (NS), a catastrophe occurred in the spring of 1986.

Пошаговое объяснение:

Module 1. Grammar Task. Choose the correct answer:

1. Пояснение: The correct answer is «c) have always liked.» This is because the sentence is in the present perfect tense, which is used to talk about actions or states that started in the past and continue into the present. The phrase «have always liked» indicates a continuous liking for him.

Дополнительный материал: «What is your opinion of him? — He is a pleasant guy. I have always liked him.»

Совет: To understand the correct answer, it is important to remember the usage of the present perfect tense and how it indicates actions or states that started in the past and continue into the present.

Задание для закрепления: Choose the correct answer for the following sentence: «What is your opinion of him? — He is a pleasant guy. I … him.»
a) always like
b) am always liking
c) have always liked
d) have always been liking

Please select the correct option and let me know your answer.

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